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Welcome to the Big Kid's Club

Happy 2021!! Let's hope it's better than the last one, although I can't help but feel grateful for this last year, since it brought us Charlie. Despite everything else we've all been through (and we are the lucky ones), I wouldn't trade it for anything.

You may have noticed I disappeared for a few weeks, and I have only two words for you: Toilet Training.

We have entered the diaper free zone for 50% of our mini humans (except naps and bedtime of course). This, as many of you know, is marketed to anxious parents all over every parenting website and toilet training book, as some kind of utopia - finally, you'll be free of diapers! Woo Hoo!

What everyone forgets to do is introduce you properly to your new Ball and Chain - the toilet. Say goodbye to leaving the house (no problem, thanks covid!). Also, say goodbye to walks outside further than a 30 second sprint back indoors - and don't forget to calculate the time needed to remove the 45 layers of snow gear! And, say goodbye to that lovely cream coloured carpet you used to love - oops (just kidding, but we did have to invest in a carpet cleaner after one incident that I will spare you the details of, but it wasn't pretty).

I can't say this has been my favourite part of my parenting journey so far. The bathroom floor is hard and cold, and sitting there staring at the toilet bowl waiting for the ball to drop, so to speak, isn't my idea of a good time. But - I am so proud of my baby! Which makes up in part for spending all this time at eye level with the toilet brush, and dealing with some serious PTSD as a result (long story short, Finn thought it was a good idea to caress my face with the toilet brush to wake me up one day - so gross!). Anyways, he's doing really, really well, and we have almost no accidents now, a couple weeks into it.

On the other hand, this milestone has sparked a mini-depression. How is time possibly going by so fast? Wasn't Finn just born like last week? Becoming a parent has thrown me into some kind of crazy warp time zone where days go by like minutes and two years have disappeared from the calendar in the same amount of time it used to take me to make dinner. In fact, I don't know any parents who aren't part of this same shared experience, where every milestone is bittersweet. You know they are supposed to grow up, and it's what you want more than anything of course - to watch them thrive. But on the other hand, what you also want more than anything, is to freeze these moments so you can spend eternity sniffing their little necks while they nap on you (just me? they smell so good right?!?).

Regardless, time plows on whether we like it or not. And, even though we are in toilet jail for awhile, at least it's one less box of diapers we need to haul around. I'll use the extra grocery cart space to buy tissues instead, to mop up my sentimental tears as I watch them get bigger and achieve new things every day :)

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